日本語(Japanese) | 英語(English) | 定義・意味(Definition and meaning) |
棚卸資産;在庫 | inventory (inventories) ; stock (stocks) | |
取得価額;取得原価 | acquisition cost | |
棚卸資産の取得価額 | acquisition cost of inventory | |
個別法 | specific identification method | |
先入先出法 | first-in, first-out method ; FIFO | |
後入先出法 | last-in, first-out method ; LIFO | |
平均法 | average method ; AM ; average cost method | |
総平均法 | gross average method | |
移動平均法 | moving average method | |
単純平均法;算術平均法 | simple average method ; arithmetic average method | |
加重平均法 | weighted average method | |
売価還元法;小売棚卸法 | retail method ; gross profit method ; gross margin method | |
最終仕入原価法 | last purchase price method ; last invoice method | |
基準棚卸法;基礎有高法;正常有高法;恒常有高法;最低有高法;基準有高法;固定有高法;基礎在高法;正常在高法;恒常在高法;最低在高法;基準在高法;固定在高法 | base stock method ; base stock inventory method | |
委託商品;積送品 | consigned goods | |
製品 | finished goods | |
商品 | goods ; merchandise | |
未着品 | goods in transit | |
原材料 | raw material | |
半製品 | semi-finished goods | |
滞留在庫 | slow-moving inventory | |
貯蔵品 | supplies | |
仕掛品 | work in process ; WIP | |
商品有高帳 | perpetual inventory record | |
棚卸計算法 | periodic inventory system | |
継続記録法 | perpetual inventory method | |
実地棚卸;実在庫;実際在庫;実地在庫;現物在庫 | physical inventory ; actual inventory ; physical stock | |
– 実在庫を数える;実地棚卸を行う | to count (the) physical inventory ; to take (a/the) physical inventory ; to take a physical count | |
帳簿棚卸;理論在庫;帳簿在庫 | book inventory ; theoretical inventory | |
マイナス在庫 | negative inventory | |
在庫差異調整;棚卸差異調整 (実際在庫に合わせて帳簿在庫を修正すること) |
book-to-physical adjustment | |
棚卸差異 | inventory variance | 棚卸差異とは、実際在庫と帳簿在庫の間の数量の差異をいう。 Inventory variance is the difference of the number, amount or volume between the the book inventory and the physical inventory. |
循環棚卸 | cycle counting | |
損傷在庫 | damaged inventory | |
過剰在庫 | excess inventory | |
陳腐化在庫 | obsolete inventory ; obsolete stock | |
不動在庫;不良在庫;不稼動在庫;死蔵在庫;デッド・ストック | dead stock ; dead inventory | |
在庫切れ;欠品 | stockout ; out-of-stock ; OOS |
棚卸資産会計の用語一覧(Glossary of inventory accounting terms and phrases)