会計用語・勘定科目の英語の省略形・頭字語(Abbreviations and acronyms of accounting terms and account titles)

会計用語(Accounting terms)と勘定科目(Account titles)について、英語の省略形(略語;Abbreviation)・頭字語(Acronym)の一覧(リスト)を掲載しております。

会計用語・勘定科目の英語の省略形・頭字語(Abbreviations and acronyms of accounting terms and account titles)

省略形・頭字語(Abbreviation/Acronym) 完全形(Full form) 日本語(Japanese)
A/C Account 勘定、勘定科目
Acc Account 勘定、勘定科目
A/R Accounts receivable 売掛金、未収金、未収入金
A/P Accounts payable 買掛金、未払金
B/S Balance sheet 貸借対照表
c/d Carried down 前期繰越
b/d Brought down 前期繰越
c/f Carried forward 次期繰越、翌期繰越
b/f Brought forward 次期繰越、翌期繰越
Dr Debit 借方
Cr Credit 貸方
G/L General ledger 総勘定元帳
N/L Nominal ledger 総勘定元帳
PL Profit and loss statement 損益計算書
I/S Income statement 損益計算書
P/R Payroll ①給与支払簿 ②給与、給与総額、人件費
PP&E Property, plant and equipment 有形固定資産
TB Trial Balance 試算表
GST Goods and services tax 商品サービス税
VAT Value added tax 付加価値税
CST Central sales tax 中央政府売上税
TDS Tax deducted at source 源泉徴収税
AMT Alternate minimum tax 代替ミニマム税
EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation 利払前・税引前・減価償却前利益
EBDTA Earnings before depreciation, taxes and amortisation 税引前・減価償却前利益
EBT Earnings before tax 税引前利益
EAT Earnings after tax 税引後利益
PAT Profit after tax 税引前利益
PBT Profit before tax 税引後利益
Depr Depreciation 減価償却費
Dep Depreciation 減価償却費
CPO Cash paid out 現金支払、現金支出
CP Cash Payment 現金支払、現金支出

