日本語(Japanese) | 英語(English) | 定義・意味(Definition and meaning) |
原価計算 | cost accounting | |
経済的情報 | economic information | |
異なる目的には、異なる原価を | different costs for different purposes | |
アメリカ会計学会 | American Accounting Association | |
価値の放出額 | release of value | |
金額 | dollar amount | |
支出原価 | outlay costs | |
機会原価 | opportunity costs | |
最大の逸失利益額 | the maximum contribution foregone | |
意思決定用の原価 | costs for decision making | |
形態別分類 | classification by nature | |
製品との関連における分類 | classification of costs in their relation to the project | |
直接材料費 | direct materials | |
直接労務費 | direct labor | |
直接経費 | direct expenses | |
間接材料費 | indirect materials | |
間接労務費 | indirect labor | |
間接経費 | indirect expenses | |
加工費 | conversion costs | |
製造原価 | manufacturing costs; factory costs | |
販売費 | distribution costs; selling costs | |
管理費 | administrative expenses | |
一般管理費 | general administrative expenses | |
営業費 | non-manufacturing costs; commercial expenses | |
総原価 | total costs | |
作業工具 | hand tools | |
資産 | assets | |
努力 | efforts | |
成果 | accomplishments | |
将来利益を獲得する潜在的能力 | service potential | |
生ける原価 | unexpired costs | |
費用 | expenses | |
死せる原価 | expired costs | |
損失 | loss | |
費目別計算 | cost type accounting; cost category accounting; cost-type accounting | |
部門別計算 | cost center accounting; cost centre accounting | |
費目別・部門別の結合計算 | a combined cost type and cost center accounting | |
製品別計算 | product cost accounting; cost object accounting | |
原価単位 | cost unit; costing unit | |
原価計算制度 | cost accounting system | |
特殊原価制度 | special cost studies | |
原価計算 | costing | |
一般会計 | general accounting | |
伝統的接近方法 | traditional approach | |
貢献利益的接近方法 | contribution approach | |
全部原価計算 | absorption costing; full costing; full-cost accounting | 全部原価計算では、固定費を含む全ての原価が製造原価に集計される。 In absorption costing (full costing or full-cost accounting), the cost of production includes all costs including fixed costs. |
直接原価計算 | direct costing; variable costing ; marginal costing | 直接原価計算では、製造に直接関連する変動費のみが製造原価に集計される。 In direct costing (variable costing or marginal costing), the cost of production only includes the variable costs directly related to production. |
職能別原価分類 | functional cost classification | |
収益との関連における原価の同質性 | homogeneity of costs in relation to revenue | |
同質性 | homogeneous | |
製品原価 | product costs | |
期間原価 | period costs | |
経営活動の量 | business volume | |
現金支出原価(現金支出を伴う原価) | out-of-pocket costs | |
短期原価 | short-run costs | |
長期原価 | long-run costs | |
固定費を回収し利益を獲得するための貢献額 | contribution to fixed costs and profit | |
部分原価計算 | marginal costing; direct costing | |
限界原価計算 | limit calculation | |
差額原価 | differential costs; avoidable costs | |
全部原価 | full costs | |
実際原価 | actual costs; historical costs | |
予定原価 | predetermined costs | |
標準原価 | standard costs | |
見積原価 | estimated costs | |
原価基準 | cost basis | |
原価見積 | cost estimate | |
勘で予定した原価 | will cost | |
規範原価 | should cost | |
原価計算の形態 | types of cost system | |
個別原価計算 | job-order cost system | |
バッチ | batch | |
ロット | lot | |
製造指図書 | production order | |
受注生産経営 | job shop | |
仕様書 | specifications | |
特定製品製造指図書 | special production order | |
指図書別原価計算 | specific order cost system; production order cost system | |
ロット別個別原価計算 | job-lot costing; lot costing | |
総合原価計算 | process cost system | |
大量生産 | mass production | |
流れ生産 | flow production | |
平均単位原価 | average unit cost | |
継続製造指図書 | continuous production order; process production order | |
製造部門 | manufacturing department | |
工程 | process | |
純粋総合原価計算 | single product; single process costing | |
組織便覧 | organization manual | |
組織図 | organization chart | |
意思決定センター | decision center | |
責任センター | responsibility center | |
原価センター | cost center | |
利益センター | profit center | |
投資センター | investment center | |
収益センター | revenue center | |
投下資本利益率 | return on investment | |
残余利益 | residual income | |
責任会計 | responsibility accounting | |
注意喚起情報 | attention directing information | |
勘定科目分類表 | chart of accounts | |
会計資料の多元的分類 | multidimensional classification of accounting data | |
数字コーディング・システム | numerical coding system | |
管理可能費 | controllable costs | |
管理不能費 | uncontrollable costs | |
自己管理可能費 | costs controllable by me | |
他人管理可能費 | costs controllable by others | |
完全な影響力 | complete influence | |
重要な影響力 | significant influence | |
個別費 | specific costs ; traceable costs | |
共通費 | common costs | |
コスト・ビヘイビァー | cost behavior | |
経営活動の量;営業量;業務量 | business volume | |
営業量の変化による原価の分類 | cost-volume classification ; cost classification with changes in activity | |
操業度 | percentage of capacity | |
コスト・ビヘイビァーの類型 | cost behavior patterns | |
変動費 | variable costs | |
技術的変動費 | engineered variable costs | |
自由裁量変動費 | discretionary variable costs | |
固定費 | fixed costs | |
正常操業圏 | normal range of activity ; relevant range | |
自由裁量固定費 | discretionary fixed costs ; managed or programmed fixed costs | |
拘束固定費 | committed fixed costs | |
準変動費 | semi-variable costs ; mixed costs | |
準固定費 | semi-fixed costs ; step costs | |
アクティビティ・コスト | activity costs | |
キャパシティ・コスト | capacity costs | |
原価の発生源泉 | origin of costs |
Andreas Taschner, and Michel Charifzadeh, Management and Cost Accounting, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2016.