簿記の用語一覧(Glossary of bookkeeping terms)


貸借対照表の用語 : Balance sheet terminology

日本語(Japanese) 英語(English)
貸借対照表 balance sheet
資産 assets
流動資産 current asset
売掛金 accounts receivable
固定資産;非流動資産 fixed asset ; non-current asset ; noncurrent asset
負債 liabilities
流動負債 current liability
買掛金 accounts payable
短期債務;短期負債 short-term liability
固定負債;非流動負債 fixed liability ; non-current liability ; noncurrent liability
長期債務;長期負債 long-term liability
純資産 net assets
資本;持分 equity
株主資本 shareholders’ equity
所有者持分 owners’ equity
資本金 capital stock ; common stock
資本剰余金 capital surplus
剰余金;利益剰余金 retained earnings
少数株主持分 minority interest
非支配株主持分 non-controlling interest ; noncontrolling interest
実在勘定 real accounts
運転資本 working capital

損益計算書の用語 : Income statement terminology

日本語(Japanese) 英語(English) 定義・意味(Definition and meaning)
損益計算書 profit and loss statement ; P/L ; income statement ; statement of earnings ; statement of operations
収益 revenue 収益とは会社の主たる活動から発生した流入です。
Revenues are inflows from a company’s primary operations.
売上原価 cost of goods sold ; COGS ; cost of sales ; COS
費用 expenses 費用とは、収益を生み出すために発生したコストです。
Expenses are costs incurred to produce revenues.
利得 gain 利得とは会社の主たる活動に付随する流入です。
Gains are inflows that are incidental to a company’s primary operations.
損失 loss 損失とは会社の主たる活動に付随する流出です。
Losses are outflows that are incidental to a company’s primary operations.
名目勘定 a nominal account ; a temporary account 名目勘定とは、毎会計期間の開始時に残高ゼロから始まる勘定です。
A temporary account (or a nominal account) is an account that begins each accounting year with a zero balance.

その他の用語 : Other terms

簿記 bookkeeping
単式簿記;単式簿記制度;単式簿記システム single-entry bookkeeping ; single-entry accounting ; single-entry bookkeeping system ; single-entry accounting system
複式簿記;複式簿記制度;複式簿記システム double-entry bookkeeping ; double-entry accounting ; double-entry bookkeeping system ; double-entry accounting system
会計期間 accounting period
売掛金 accounts receivable
減価償却 depreciation
元帳 ledger
総勘定元帳 general ledger ; G/L ; control account
– 売掛金元帳 accounts receivable general ledger ; accounts receivable control account ; A/R general ledger ; A/R control account
– 買掛金元帳 accounts payable general ledger ; accounts payable control account ; A/P general ledger ; A/P control account
補助元帳 subsidiary ledger ; sub-ledger
– 売掛金補助元帳 accounts receivable subsidiary ledger ; accounts receivable sub-ledger ; A/R subsidiary ledger ; A/R sub-ledger
– 買掛金補助元帳 accounts payable subsidiary ledger ; accounts payable sub-ledger ; A/P subsidiary ledger ; A/P sub-ledger
利子;利息 interest
在庫;棚卸資産 inventory
仕訳帳 journals ; general journal
– 入金仕訳帳 cash receipt journal
– 出金仕訳帳 cash payment journal
– 売上仕訳帳 sales journal
– 仕入仕訳帳 purchase journal
給与 payroll
試算表 trial balance ; T/B
発生基準;発生主義 accrual-basis
現金基準;現金主義 cash-basis
仕訳記入;仕訳入力 (a) journal entry
修正仕訳 adjusting entries
決算仕訳 closing entry
自動仕訳 automatic journal entry
定期的に発生する仕訳 recurring journal entry
財務諸表 financial statements
連結財務諸表 consolidated financial statements
要約財務諸表 condensed financial statements
包括利益計算書 statement of comprehensive income
その他の包括利益 other comprehensive income
剰余金計算書 statement of retained earnings
キャッシュ・フロー計算書 statement of cash flows ; CFS
対照勘定;評価勘定 a contra account
借方 debit
貸方 credit
臨時項目;特別項目;異常損益項目 an extraordinary item


Basic Bookkeeping Terms and Phrases

