資産の部(Assets)の流動資産(Current assets)の勘定科目の英訳一覧です。
- 流動資産 : Current assets
- 現金及び預金:Cash and deposits ; Cash on hand and in banks
- 受取手形及び売掛金 : Notes and accounts receivable-trade
- 受取手形 : Notes receivable-trade
- 売掛金 : Accounts receivable-trade
- リース債権及びリース投資資産 : Lease receivables and investment assets
- リース債権 : Lease receivables
- リース投資資産 : Lease investment assets
- 有価証券 : Securities
- たな卸資産 : Inventories
- 前渡金 : Advance payments-trade
- 前払費用 : Prepaid expenses
- 繰延税金資産 : Deferred tax assets
- その他 : Other
- 貸借対照表の他の勘定科目の英訳一覧
流動資産 : Current assets
現金及び預金:Cash and deposits ; Cash on hand and in banks
- 現金 : Cash ; Cash on hand
- 預金 : Deposits ; Cash in banks ; Cash at banks
受取手形及び売掛金 : Notes and accounts receivable-trade
- 受取手形及び売掛金 : Notes and accounts receivable-trade
- 貸倒引当金 : Allowance for doubtful accounts
- 受取手形及び売掛金(純額) : Notes and accounts receivable-trade, net
- 受取手形及び売掛金 : Notes and accounts receivable-trade
受取手形 : Notes receivable-trade
- 受取手形 : Notes receivable-trade
- 貸倒引当金 : Allowance for doubtful accounts
- 受取手形(純額) : Notes receivable-trade, net
- 割引手形 : Notes receivable discounted
- 裏書手形 : Notes receivable endorsed ; Notes receivable indorsed
- 取立手形 : Notes receivable for collection by bank
- 取立約束手形 : Notes receivable for collection by bank
- 輸出手形 : Export bills
- 受取手形 : Notes receivable-trade
売掛金 : Accounts receivable-trade
- 売掛金 : Accounts receivable-trade
- 貸倒引当金 : Accounts receivable-trade
- 売掛金(純額) : Accounts receivable-trade
- 関係会社売掛金 : Accounts receivable from subsidiaries and affiliates-trade
- 割賦売掛金 : Accounts receivable-installment
- 輸出売掛金 : Accounts receivable-export
- 開発事業未収入金 : Accounts receivable-development business
- 不動産事業未収入金 : Accounts receivable-real estate business
- 完成業務未収入金 : Accounts receivable-completed operation
- 加盟店貸勘定 : Accounts receivable-due from franchised stores
- 受取手形及び営業未収入金 : Notes and operating accounts receivable
- 営業未収入金 : Operating accounts receivable
- 電子記録債権 : Electronically recorded monetary claims-operating
- 営業貸付金 : Operating loans
- 売掛金 : Accounts receivable-trade
リース債権及びリース投資資産 : Lease receivables and investment assets
- 貸倒引当金 : Allowance for doubtful accounts
- リース債権(純額) : Lease receivables, net
リース債権 : Lease receivables
- 貸倒引当金 : Allowance for doubtful accounts
- リース投資資産(純額) : Lease investment assets, net
リース投資資産 : Lease investment assets
- 貸倒引当金 : Allowance for doubtful accounts
- リース債権及びリース投資資産(純額) : Lease receivables and investment assets, net
有価証券 : Securities
- 売買目的有価証券及び1年内に満期の到来する有価証券 : Securities-trading and matured within one year
- コマーシャル・ペーパー : Commercial papers ; CP
- マネー・マネジメント・ファンド : Money management funds ; MMF
- マネー・リザーブ・ファンド : Money reserve funds ; MRF
- 中期国債ファンド : Medium-term government securities funds ; Medium-term government bond funds
- 利金ファンド : Interest-investment trust funds
- フリー・フィナンシャル・ファンド : Free financial funds ; FFF
- 親会社株式 : Stocks of parent company
- 金銭の信託 : Money held in trust ; Cash in trust ; Money in trust ; Cash trusts ; Money trusts
- 金銭信託以外の金銭の信託(金外信託) : Nonmonetary trust ; Trusts other than cash trusts ; Trusts other than money trusts
- 営業投資有価証券 : Operational investment securities
- 売買目的有価証券及び1年内に満期の到来する有価証券 : Securities-trading and matured within one year
たな卸資産 : Inventories
- 棚卸資産:Inventories
- 未着品 : Inventories in transit
- 積送品 : Inventories being shipped
- 試用品 : Inventories sold on approval
- 商品 : Merchandise
- 繰越商品 : Merchandise inventory
- 期首商品棚卸高 : Beginning merchandise inventory ; Opening merchandise inventory
- 期末商品棚卸高 : Ending merchandise inventory ; Closing merchandise inventory
- 未着商品 : Goods in transit
- 割賦商品 : Goods sold by installment plan
- 製品、副産物及び作業くず : Finished goods, by-products and scraps
- 製品 : Finished goods
- 繰越製品 : Finished goods inventory
- 期首製品棚卸高 : Beginning finished goods inventory ; Opening finished goods inventory
- 期末製品棚卸高 : Ending finished goods inventory ; Closing finished goods inventory
- 副産物 : By-product
- 商品及び製品 : Merchandise and finished goods
- 半製品 : Semi-finished goods
- 原料及び材料 : Raw materials and materials
- 原材料 : Raw materials
- 原材料及び貯蔵品 : Raw materials and supplies
- 未着原材料 : Raw materials in transit
- 購入部分品 : Purchased parts
- 補助材料 : Subsidiary materials
- 仕掛品及び半成工事 : Work in process and partly-finished construction
- 仕掛品 : Work in process
- 半成工事 : Partly-finished work
- 消耗品、消耗工具、器具及び備品その他の貯蔵品で相当額以上のもの : Supplies and other-reasonable value
- 貯蔵品 : Supplies
- 包装材料 : Packing Supplies ; Packing materials
- 販売用不動産 : Real estate for sale
- 仕掛販売用不動産 : Real estate for sale in process
- 仕掛不動産 : Real estate projects in process
- 開発事業等支出金 : Development projects in progress
- 不動産事業支出金 : Costs on real estate business
- 未成業務支出金 : Costs on uncompleted services
- 未成工事支出金 : Work in process-construction
- 分譲土地建物 : Land and buildings for sale in lots
- 分譲土地 : Land for sale in lots
- 仮想通貨:Virtual currencies ; Virtual currencies as inventories
- その他のたな卸資産 : Other inventories
前渡金 : Advance payments-trade
- 前払金 : Advance payments-other
前払費用 : Prepaid expenses
繰延税金資産 : Deferred tax assets
その他 : Other
- 未収収益 : Accrued income
- 未収利息 : Accrued interest
- その他の資産で1年内に現金化できると認められるもの : Other assets-encashed within one year
- 株主、役員又は従業員に対する短期債権 : Short-term claims on shareholders, directors or employees
- 貸倒引当金 : Allowance for doubtful accounts
- 株主、役員又は従業員に対する短期債権(純額) : Short-term claims on shareholders, directors or employees, net
- 短期貸付金 : Short-term loans receivable
- 貸倒引当金 : Allowance for doubtful accounts
- 短期貸付金(純額) : Short-term loans receivable, net
- 関係会社短期貸付金 : Short-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and affiliates
- 貸倒引当金 : Allowance for doubtful accounts
- 関係会社短期貸付金(純額) : Short-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and affiliates, net
- 未収入金 : Accounts receivable-other
- 関係会社未収入金 : Accounts receivable-other from subsidiaries and affiliates
- 未収消費税等 : Consumption taxes receivable
- 仮払消費税等 : Suspense paid consumption taxes
- 未収還付法人税等 : Income taxes receivable
- 営業外受取手形 : Non-operating notes receivable
- 受取融通手形 : Accomodation notes receivable
- 受取金融手形 : Accomodation notes receivable
- 営業外電子記録債権 : Electronically recorded monetary claims-non-operating
- 1年内回収予定の長期貸付金 : Current portion of long-term loans receivable
- 1年内回収予定の関係会社長期貸付金 : Current portion of long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and affiliates
- 1年内回収予定の差入保証金 : Current portion of guarantee deposits
- その他の未収入金 : Other accounts receivable
- 関係会社預け金 : Deposit paid in subsidiaries and affiliates
- 関係会社短期債権 : Short-term receivables from subsidiaries and affiliates
- 金銭債権信託受益権 : Beneficiary right of accounts receivable in trust
- 差入保証金 : Guarantee deposits
- 従業員に対する短期債権 : Short-term claims on employees
- 従業員に対する短期貸付金 : Short-term loans receivable from employees
- 信託受益権 : Trust beneficiary right
- 立替金 : Advances paid
- 仮払金 : Suspense payments
- 役員に対する仮払金 : Suspense payments to directors
- 未決算 : Suspense
- 預け金 : Deposits paid
- デリバティブ債権 : Derivatives
- 為替予約 : Forward exchange contracts
- 金利スワップ資産 : Interest rate swap assets
- 金利スワップ : Interest rate swap
- 買建通貨オプション : Purchased currency option
- 通貨オプション : Currency option
- オプション資産 : Option
- 前払年金費用 : Prepaid pension cost
- 信用保証割賦売掛金 : Accounts receivable-installment sales-credit guarantee
- 寄託有価証券 : Securities in deposit ; Securities deposited with others
- 差入有価証券 : Securities in deposit ; Securities deposited with others
- 担保差入有価証券 : Securities in deposit ; Securities deposited with others
- 商業手形 : Commercial notes
- 貸借取引貸付金 : Loans on margin transaction
- 一般貸付金 : General loans
- 公社債貸付金 : Bond financing
- 貸付有価証券 : Securities lent
- 保管有価証券 : Securities deposited from others ; Securities received as collateral
- 担保受入有価証券 : Securities deposited from others ; Securities received as collateral
- 借入有価証券代り金 : Collateral money for securities borrowed
- 買取債権 : Purchased receivables
- 流動資産に属する資産に係る引当金 : Allowance-current assets
- 未収収益 : Accrued income