
投資その他の資産 Investments and other assets
関係会社株式その他流動資産に属しない有価証券 Stocks of subsidiaries and affiliates and other noncurrent securities
投資有価証券 Investment securities
関係会社株式 Stocks of subsidiaries and affiliates
関係会社社債 Bonds of subsidiaries and affiliates
その他の関係会社有価証券 Investments in other securities of subsidiaries and affiliates
営業投資有価証券 Operational investment securities
出資金 Investments in capital
関係会社出資金 Investments in capital of subsidiaries and affiliates
営業出資金 Operating investments in capital
匿名組合出資金 Investments in silent partnership
長期貸付金 Long-term loans receivable
関係会社長期貸付金 Long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and affiliates
株主、役員又は従業員に対する長期貸付金 Long-term loans receivable from shareholders, directors or employees
従業員に対する長期貸付金 Long-term loans receivable from employees
役員及び従業員に対する長期貸付金 Long-term loans receivable from directors and employees
役員に対する長期貸付金 Long-term loans receivable from directors
前各号に掲げられるものの外、流動資産、有形固定資産、無形固定資産又は繰延資産に属するもの以外の長期資産 Other long-term assets
親会社株式 Stocks of parent company
破産更生債権等 Claims provable in bankruptcy, claims provable in rehabilitation and other
長期前払費用 Long-term prepaid expenses
長期前払消費税等 Long-term prepaid consumption taxes
前払年金費用 Prepaid pension cost
退職給付に係る資産 Net defined benefit asset
繰延税金資産 Deferred tax assets
再評価に係る繰延税金資産 Deferred tax assets for land revaluation
投資不動産 Real estate for investment
不動産信託受益権 Beneficiary right of real estate in trust
信託土地 Land in trust
信託建物 Buildings in trust
リース投資資産 Lease investment assets
デリバティブ債権 Derivatives
為替予約 Forward exchange contracts
金利スワップ資産 Interest rate swap assets
金利スワップ Interest rate swap
買建通貨オプション Purchased currency option
通貨オプション Currency option
オプション資産 Option
長期預け金 Long-term deposits
長期預金 Long-term time deposits
保険積立金 Insurance funds
生命保険積立金 Life insurance funds
団体生命保険金 Group life insurance
会員権 Membership
ゴルフ会員権 Golf club membership
施設利用会員権 Facility membership
差入保証金 Guarantee deposits
関係会社長期未収入金 Long-term accounts receivable from subsidiaries and affiliates
敷金 Lease deposits
敷金及び保証金 Lease and guarantee deposits
固定化営業債権 Bad debts
事業保険積立金 Business insurance funds
事業保険金 Business insurance
入会金 Admission fee
入会保証金 Deposits on admission
信託受益権 Trust beneficiary right
長期営業外未収入金 Long-term non-operating accounts receivable
長期未収入金 Long-term accounts receivable-other
建設協力金 Construction assistance fund receivables
店舗賃借仮勘定 Deposits for stores in preparation
役員退職積立金 Fund for retirement benefits for directors
役員に対する保険積立金 Insurance funds for directors
長期投資 Long-term investments
投資その他の資産に属する資産に係る引当金 Allowance-investment and other assets
貸倒引当金 Allowance for doubtful accounts
投資損失引当金 Allowance for investment loss
減価償却累計額 Accumulated depreciation
減損損失累計額 Accumulated impairment loss
減価償却累計額及び減損損失累計額 Accumulated depreciation and impairment loss